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Appreciation for contribution to education philosophy and recovery of the university idea awarded

On 29 June 2011, the “Appreciation for contribution to education philosophy and recovery of the university idea” was awarded to Prof. MUDr. Jiří Widimský, DrSc., FESC at the offices of VIZE 97 Foundation. Professor Widimský became the seventh holder of the “Appreciation” in a row, consisting of a commemorative diploma by graphic designer Jiří Plieštik and financial prize amounting to CZK 97 thousand, which symbolizes the year of incorporation of the VIZE 97 Foundation of Dagmar and Václav Havel. The “Appreciation” is annually awarded within the “Education Support” project of the Foundation to support the studies of Czech promising students at foreign universities and at the same time, the project considers also the other side of imaginary teacher’s desk – the outstanding professors.

Following graduation from classic grammar school, professor Widimský graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine in Prague. He established as scientific aspirant under the leading of prof. Brod in the Institute for Disorders of Blood Circulation and focused on the issues of hypertension and lungs circulation. Later, he defended both thesis and habilitation dissertation devoted to these disorders. Following his educational exchange in Sweden, docent and later professor Widimský held the function of the head physician of the research and development base of IKEM with focus on cardiology. On top of myriad of articles published in expert magazines, he authored 21 monographs and some of them were translated into world languages.

Holders of the “Appreciation for contribution to education philosophy and recovery of the university idea:

  • 2005 Prof. PhDr. Radim Palouš, dr. h. c.

  • 2006 PhDr. Zdeněk Šesták

  • 2007 ThDr. et ThDr. h.c. Oto Mádr

  • 2008 Prof. RNDr. PhDr. Zdeněk Neubauer, CSc.

  • 2009 Prof. MUDr. Zdeňek Mařatka, DrSc.

  • 2010 Prof. Jan Sokol, Ph.D., CSc.

  • 2011 Prof. MUDr. Jiří Widimský, DrSc., FESC

    More photographs here.

    Photos: Alana Pajer

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