The Bester Quartet – the fourth concert of the Strings of Autumn at the Prague Crossroads
This quartet of Polish virtuosos, which has been called one of the most interesting phenomena of the avant-garde music scene, concluded the series of concerts held at the Prague Crossroads within the framework of the Strings of Autumn music festival.
Jaroslav Bester, playing the accordion, together with the violinist Jaroslav Tyrala, the contrabassist Wojciech Front and the clarinettist, who also plays the accordion or percussion, Oleg Dyyak, endeavour to bring together unrelated styles such as Klezmer, classical, jazz and contemporary classical music. This innovative Polish group, established in 1997 under the original name of the Cracow Klezmer Band, gave traditional Jewish Klezmer melodies and rhythms a deeper dimension filled with the atmosphere of the city of Krakow, “in which every stone is a silent witness to Jewish history”, and gave all those present at the deconsecrated Saint Anne’s Church an unforgettable experience.
Photo: Petra Hajská, Strings of Autumn Festival