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The VIZE 97 Foundation Award was presented during the closing ceremony of the Golden Prague International Television Festival

On 20th June, the Žofín Palace hosted many significant guests, including the Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees, Mrs Dagmar Havlová. Upon this occasion, prizes were awarded in the great hall to the best films in the 44th year of the Golden Prague International Television Festival and at the same time the evening was also the festival’s closing ceremony. Mrs Havlová presented one of the evening’s prizes, that being the VIZE 97 Foundation Award. Dagmar and Václav Havel’s VIZE 97 Foundation has participated in the festival since 2002 and the prize was presented for the sixth time. The creators of the winning film “Dance for All” received not only a diploma, but also a symbolic cheque at the amount of 20,000 CZK. The money should assist the artists in their further work and it should also provide moral support for television and film art.

The film awarded the VIZE 97 Foundation:

Dance for All

Germany, directors: Elena Bromund and Viviane Blumenschein, camera: Franz Lustig

The documentary by the ZDF/Arte company and InsideOutFilm brings an inspiring optimistic report to an often depressing picture of our world. There are still people who are able to enchant others with their example and to thus give their lives new content and goals. And this may involve, for example, classical ballet training in a poor black suburb of Cape Town.

More photographs here.

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