VIZE 97 Prize Board Meeting
On Tuesday 1st February 2011, the Board of the VIZE 97 Foundation Prize met to make a decision on the name of this year’s laureate. In 2011, the thirteenth Prize will be awarded. In the past, Prizes were accepted by Karl Pribram, Umberto Eco, Robert B. Reich, Philip Zimbardo, Joseph Weizenbaum, Zygmunt Bauman, Stanislav Grof, Julia Kristeva, Václav Cílek and Konrad Paul Liessmann. Czech laureates include – Zdeněk Neubauer and Petr Vopěnka – also became members of this project after being awarded the VIZE 97 Prize. The selection of this year’s laureate was by no means a simple task, which is why members of the Board requested an additional two weeks to make the final decision.
The Prize is always awarded on 5th October, on the date of President Václav Havel’s birthday. The tradition of granting the Prize was established in 1999 by the Chairwoman of Board of Trustees of the VIZE 97 Foundation, Mrs. Dagmar Havlová.
PHOTO: Jana Pertáková